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Guides for admins managing their own Minds Networks.
By Minds
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Customize appearance and branding [Minds Networks]

With a few simple steps, you can completely rebrand your Minds Network with your own logos and brand colors to make it truly feel like an extension of your existing online presence. Watch the video walkthrough 1. Set your theme and brand color We recommend starting by setting your theme and brand color. Admin > Appearance You have a choice of using a light or a dark theme as your base. When you later upload your logos, keep in mind that your logos will appear on top of your base theme -- so if your logo is dark, you'll probably want to choose the light theme so that your logo will appear clearly. You can also set your brand color on this screen. The brand color should represent your brand, and contrast well against your light or dark theme, as the brand color will be used for buttons and other elements in your network. 2. Prepare logo images Before setting your custom logos, it's a good idea to prepare your logo images. Keep in mind the theme color you chose, as your logo images will appear on top of the light or dark background. These are the logo images we recommend starting with: - Square logo - Horizontal logo - Favicon We recommend this Figma template as a starting point for preparing your logos. If you don't already have a Figma account, they're free to open. 👉 Figma template Square logo - 320 pixels wide - 320 pixels tall (Minimum dimensions.) Your square logo is used in various parts of the app, including in the app header on smaller screens and in email communications with your members. Fill the full width of the image canvas with your logo, and export the image with no background (transparent). Horizontal logo - 572 pixels wide - 180 pixels tall (Minimum dimensions.) The horizontal logo is used in various parts of the app, including in your header and in email communications with your members. Fill the full width/height of the image canvas with your logo, and export the image with no background (transparent). Favicon - 32 pixels wide - 32 pixels tall (Minimum dimensions.) The favicon is the icon that appears in your browser tabs and bookmarks. It can be the same as your square logo, though keep in mind that the favicon will be verrrry tiny in your browser tabs. Consider creating an image that’s just 32x32 pixels in dimensions to create a favicon that will more closely look like what you’ll see in your browser tabs when it’s applied. 3. Upload your logo images Admin > Appearance Upload your prepared logo images on the Appearance tab and click to save the changes. The changes will be reflected immediately on your network, as well as in automated emails your users receive.

Last updated on May 21, 2024

Configure your domain [Minds Networks]

Setting up your network to serve on your own domain requires (1) configuring the domain in your network admin settings, and (2) configuring DNS settings with your domain service provider. Watch the video walkthrough Configure domain in your Minds Network By default, your network has a temporary address like: ca46c1b9512a7a8315fa3c5a946e8265.networks.minds.com/ Your Minds Network is intended to serve from your own domain as a subdomain, which can be configured in the admin Domain section. Admin > Domain Click to setup custom domain and input a subdomain of your domain. For example, if your website domain is example.com, input something like community.example.com, which will become the URL for your network. Configure DNS with your domain service provider Next, you will have to configure your DNS for your domain outside of Minds, using the service provider that manages your domain. Some common domain service providers include: - GoDaddy - Hover - Bluehost - Squarespace If you're not sure which service provider manages your domain, talk with your website admin. Otherwise, here's an overview of how to complete configuration with your domain provider. Your domain provider > DNS setup CNAME record To complete domain configuration, you'll need to set up a CNAME record in the DNS settings of your domain service provider. This enables your Minds Network to serve at a subdomain (e.g. community.example.com) on your domain. Navigate to the DNS section of your domain service provider and you should have a way to add a new record. Add a new CNAME record, and configure. Here's an example CNAME record for someone who wants their network to appear on community.example.com. The interface of different domain provider may look different, but the fields are typically the same. The one element that's variable is what value your domain provider expects for the hostname. In some cases (like the screenshot above), you need to provide only the text of the subdomain (e.g. community). In other cases, a domain provider wants the full subdomain address, including your domain (e.g. community.example.com). TXT record Similarly, you'll want to create a new TXT record in your domain's DNS setup. In your network admin domain section, you'll find these details for a new TXT record. In your domain provider's DNS section, you can create a new TXT record with the details provided in your network admin Once you've added the record, save your changes. It may take some time – anywhere from a few minutes to 72 hours – for changes to your DNS to take effect, though typically this is validated within 10 minutes and the Domain tab of your network admin panel will read: Domain configured successfully. Frequently asked questions I configured my subdomain, but it's not working. How do I fix it? You can verify if your configuration with your domain provider is correct by using a site like whatsmydns.net. Input the domain address you're setting up (e.g. community.example.com) and check the CNAME record, which should return networks.minds. Typically, issues come down to one of these three things: - Your domain provider requires the full address of your subdomain (e.g. community.example.com), and not just the subdomain name (e.g. community). - Your domain provider is pointed to another service for handling nameservers -- in this case, you'll need to configure your subdomain with the service that's handling the nameservers. - Your domain provider has not yet propogated the changes -- just wait more time for this to resolve. Can I use a root domain instead of a subdomain? At this time, Minds Networks supports only subdomains. If you want to point your audience to a root domain, you can configure your Minds Network on a subdomain (e.g. community.example.com), and then configure a redirect with your domain provider so that your root directory (e.g. example.com) automatically redirects visitors to the subdomain. Can I customize my minds.com subdomain? At this time, no. The temporary minds.com subdomain that your network gets is intended to be a temporary addresses and you will need to provide your own subdomain purchased elsewhere.

Last updated on Jun 04, 2024

Add comments to your website or blog [Minds Networks]

Minds Networks enables you to optionally upgrade any page of your website or blog with community interaction by embedding comments on your pages. Here's how it works: Watch the video walkthrough You add a special embed code on your website pages where you want comments. For every website page that has comments, a corresponding post is automatically created on your network. Comments are automatically synchronized between the comments on your website page and the post on your network, so people can keep up with the discussion no matter where they find it. OK, want to get into the nitty gritty? Here's how you can add comments to your website or blog with Minds Networks. Step 1: Decide which channel (account) you want to own your posts As mentioned, every website page where you have comments embedded with have a corresponding network post automatically generated. That post will be generated on whichever network channel page you want – so step one is deciding which channel you want to own your comment thread posts. For most people, this can just be your main network admin account. If you want to use another channel, you can create and log into that channel before following the rest of the steps. Step 2: Enable comments on your channel Navigate to your settings to enable comments on your channel. You'll find the comments settings by navigating like this: More > Settings > Other > Embedded comments There are two fields to configure here, which enable your Minds Network to securely create new posts for all of your website pages with comments. Your domain Add the domain where your website pages are hosted. Do not include https://. example.com Your path pattern The path pattern field allows you to use regular expressions (regex) to whitelist URLs on your website. This is useful for making sure that only the website pages you want have corresponding comments threads generated. If you're not familiar with writing regex, it can be a bit difficult to figure out. We find tools like regex101.com very useful for writing and debugging regex. And here are some basic regex strings to match some common website URL patterns. Match all pages The easiest solution is to match every page on your specified domain. If you're not picky about which pages will generate comments threads, you can use this basic regex string: (.*?) Match a directory If all of your website pages that need comments match a common URL directory pattern, you can easily whitelist just that directory. For example, many websites host all of their articles under an /articles/ directory (e.g. example.com/articles/article-slug). You can match this pattern with this simple regex string: \/articles\/ If you have multiple directories you want to whitelist (e.g. /articles/ and /videos/), you can follow a pattern like this, using a | pipe character to separate each directory definition. (\/articles\/|\/videos\/) Exclude specific slugs If you want to match most pages, but not all, you can use a regex like this, using a | pipe character to separate different slugs. This regex assumes you don't want to add comments to your main home page. \/(?!exclude-me|exclude-me-too|definitely-exclude-me)\w Click save when you're done. Step 3: Get the user GUID for your channel You'll need to find the user GUID number for your channel to plug into the embed code we'll generate in the next step. To get your user GUID, we'll need to create and load a URL that looks like this: [yourdomain]/api/v1/channel/[username] An easy way to do this is to click to your own channel profile page and then add api/v1/channel/ before your username in the URL. For example: https://social.squig.link/superreview/ becomes https://social.squig.link/api/v1/channel/superreview/ Load that URL and you'll get a developer readout of details about your channel, including the channel GUID number near the top. Copy that number and save it for later. Step 4: Generate embed code Now we can generate the embed code that you'll add to your website pages. Navigate here to our Minds developer docs to start. Your network domain Enter the domain – including subdomain – where your network is hosted. Do not include https://. URL to comment on This is the full URL for the website page that you want to display comments on. Typically, people want comments to appear on multiple pages, not just one. For now, you can enter just one example URL into this field. When you add the embed code to your website pages, you can use your website's templating language (e.g. Wordpress using PHP) to dynamically set this URL field for every website page you put it on. The channel GUID who will own the activity post This is where the aforementioned channel GUID number comes into play. Take that number you got earlier and paste it here. The embed code preview below will automatically update and reflect your changes. Copy this embed code to add to your website pages. Step 5: Add the embed code to your website pages For the final step, you'll insert this embed code onto your website pages where you want the comments to appear. If your website is hosted on something like Wordpress or Squarespace, you'll want to edit the theme template files that generate your pages. Insert the embed code onto the page where you want the comments to appear. For example, if you want the comments to appear at the end of an article, insert the embed code below the articles contents in your theme template. Note that the embed code's data-href field should reference a unique URL on your website for each comment thread that you want. More than likely, you'll want to use your website's templating language to dynamically update this field with the URL of each page. Wordpress If your website is built on Wordpress, you can use this PHP tag to dynamically fill in the URL of your website page: <?php the_permalink() ?> Adding this to the embed code, your embed code may look like this: <div   class="minds-comments"   data-href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"   data-owner-guid="0000000000000000" ></div> <script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://subdomain.example.com/plugins/embedded-comments/js/embed.js"></script> Step 6: You're done! Or, debugging… After adding the embed code to your page template, load one of your website pages where you want comments to appear and confirm that an empty comments section appears. Congrats! If things aren't working, here are some common reasons why… Error: No comments appear at all Use the developer tools of your web browser to see if the embed code is being added to your page. If it's not, check your console for javascript error logs. Commonly you may see errors referencing "CORS policy." To resolve these errors, confirm that you've correctly entered your network domain into the embed code. If you included the https:// when using the code generator, you may have a malformed URL in your embed code, or you may be referencing a domain that's not the same as the website page you're adding comments to. Error: The provided url does not match the configured url pattern This error indicates that the regex string you defined in your channel settings does not match the website page you've added the comments to. You'll need to debug and edit your regex string in your channel settings to resolve this. Error: Internal server error If you previously had comments on a page but deleted the post that was automatically generated on your network to host these comments, you may get this error. At the moment, the only way to resolve this is to use another website page URL. Need support?

Last updated on Jun 06, 2024

Creating Apple and Google developer accounts [Minds Networks]

Apple Developer Account Create an Apple Developer Account The process of creating an Apple Developer account involves several detailed steps, from identity verification to payment. Each step is important to gain full access to Apple’s development tools and resources. Keep abreast of Apple's latest guidelines and resources to ensure a smooth app development journey. Step 1: Ensure You Have an Apple ID - Description: An Apple ID is essential as it will be your primary identity for all interactions with Apple, including the Developer Program. - Action: Create an Apple ID if you don’t have one at the Apple ID site. - Web: Apple ID Creation Page If you run into issues creating an Apple ID (common), you can open a support chat here, routing for Apple ID support: Apple ID support If you don't have an Apple device, there is an option on this page to enroll via web. Step 2: Enroll in the Apple Developer Program - Description: Enrollment in this program is mandatory for publishing apps on Apple platforms. - Action: Visit the Apple Developer Program Enrollment page. Enroll as an Organization. - Cost: As of my last update, the program fee was $99 USD per year. - Web: Developer Program Enrollment Step 3: Select Your Enrollment Type - Description: Choose whether to enroll as an individual or organization, each with different requirements. - Individuals: Need personal legal name and address. - Organizations: Require a legal entity name, D-U-N-S Number, and legal address. - Web: Enrollment Type Selection Step 4: Fill the Enrollment Form - Description: Provide your contact information and other required details for account setup. - Action: Fill in your details. - Web: Enrollment Form Step 5: Identity Verification for Individuals - Description: Apple will verify your identity to protect your account and ensure authenticity. - Action: Submit a government-issued photo ID. - Web: Identity Verification Step 6: Legal Documentation for Organizations - Description: Organizations must provide official documents for verification and legal purposes. - Action: Prepare and submit relevant documents. - Web: Organization Verification Step 7: Agree to Legal Agreements - Description: You must agree to Apple's terms to proceed with the Developer Program. - Action: Read and agree to the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. - Web: Legal Agreements Step 8: Payment and Activation - Description: Payment is required to activate your developer account. - Action: Complete the payment process. - Web: Payment Information Step 9: Account Confirmation - Description: Apple will send an email to confirm the activation of your Developer account. - Action: Check for the confirmation email. - Web: Confirmation Email Step 10: Access Developer Resources - Description: Once your account is active, access a range of developer tools and resources. - Action: Visit the Apple Developer portal. - Web: Developer Portal Additional Resources - Apple Developer Documentation: Explore detailed guides at Apple's developer documentation. - Support and Community: For questions and community support, visit the Apple Developer Forums. Add a Developer User to an Apple Developer Account Adding a minds.com developer to your Apple Developer account enables effective team collaboration and app management. Be mindful when assigning roles to ensure appropriate access levels are granted for security and efficiency. Step 1: Log in to Your Apple Developer Account - Description: Access your Apple Developer account where your apps are managed. - Action: Log in at the Apple Developer portal. - Web Tip: Look for the sign-in page of the Apple Developer portal. Step 2: Navigate to 'People' - Description: Go to the section where you can manage users and roles. - Action: In the Apple Developer account dashboard, find and select the 'People' option. - Web Tip: Look for a section or tab named 'People' in the dashboard. Step 3: Invite a New Person - Description: This is where you’ll add a new user and assign roles. - Action: Click on 'Invite Person' in the 'People' section. - Web Tip: The 'Invite Person' button is typically found at the top of the 'People' page. Step 4: Enter User Details - Description: Provide the email address and personal details of the user you want to add. - Action: Fill in the email address and other necessary information of the new user. - Web Tip: A form for entering the user's details will be available. Step 5: Assign Roles - Description: Determine the level of access and permissions the new user will have. - Action: Select the appropriate role(s) for the user, such as 'Developer,' 'Marketing,' 'Sales,' etc. - Web Tip: You will see a list of roles with descriptions for each role. Step 6: Send Invitation - Description: After setting roles, you will send an invitation to the user. - Action: Click on ‘Invite’ to send an email invitation to the new user. - Web Tip: The ‘Invite’ button is typically located at the bottom of the form. Step 7: User Accepts Invitation - Description: The invited user will receive an email with the invitation. - Action: The user must accept the invitation by clicking the link in the email. - Web Tip: The acceptance link can be found in the invitation email. Step 8: Confirmation - Description: Once the user accepts the invitation, they will have access to your Apple Developer account based on the assigned roles. - Action: Confirm that the user appears in your 'People' list with the correct roles. - Web Tip: Check your 'People' list to verify the new user’s addition and roles. Google Play Developer Account Create a Google Developer Account Creating a Google Developer account is crucial for anyone looking to develop and distribute apps on the Google Play Store. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up your account. The process of setting up a Google Developer account is relatively straightforward. It involves providing your details, accepting the developer agreement, and paying a registration fee. Once set up, you gain access to the Google Play Console and can start publishing your apps on the Google Play Store. Step 1: Have or Create a Google Account - Description: A Google account is necessary as it will be your primary identity for all interactions with Google services, including the Developer Program. - Action: Create a Google account if you don’t have one at Google Account Creation. - Web: Look for the account creation page on the Google Account Creation website. Step 2: Register for a Google Play Developer Account - Description: Registration is mandatory to publish apps on the Google Play Store. - Action: Visit the Google Play Developer Console. - Cost: As of my last update, there is a one-time $25 USD registration fee. - Web: Check out the registration page on the Google Play Developer Console. Step 3: Enter Basic Information - Description: Provide your basic personal or business information for account setup. - Action: Fill in your details on the registration page. - Web: You’ll find a form to enter your details on the registration page. Step 4: Accept Developer Agreement - Description: You must agree to the Google Play Developer distribution agreement. - Action: Read and accept the agreement. - Web: The agreement can be found on the registration page. Step 5: Pay Registration Fee - Description: A registration fee is required to activate your developer account. - Action: Pay the $25 fee using Google payments. - Web: Payment options are available during the registration process. Step 6: Account Verification and Approval - Description: Google will review your account before activation, which may take up to 48 hours. - Action: Wait for the confirmation email from Google. - Web: Check your email for the account confirmation. Step 7: Set Up Your Developer Profile - Description: Creating a developer profile is essential for your presence on the Play Store. - Action: Complete your profile on the Google Play Developer Console. - Web: Look for the profile setup section on the Google Play Developer Console. Step 8: Start Using the Google Play Console - Description: The Google Play Console is where you will manage your app’s publication, track its performance, and more. - Action: Explore the Google Play Console. - Web: Navigate around the Google Play Developer Console to familiarize with its features. Additional Resources - Google Play Developer Support: Find resources and support at Google Play Developer Help. - Google Play Developer Policy Center: Familiarize yourself with Google's policies at the Developer Policy Center. Add a Developer User to a Google Developer Account Adding a minds.com developer user to your Google Developer account allows for efficient collaboration and management of your app. It's important to carefully consider the permissions you assign to ensure security and proper access control. Step 1: Log in to Your Google Play Developer Console - Description: Access your Google Play Developer account where your app is managed. - Action: Log in at the Google Play Console. - Screenshot Tip: Look for the sign-in page of the Google Play Console. Step 2: Access 'Users and Permissions' - Description: Navigate to the section where you can manage users and their permissions. - Action: In the Google Play Console, look for the 'Users and permissions' option, usually found in the left-hand side menu. - Web Tip: Look for a section or tab named 'Users and permissions' in the dashboard. Step 3: Invite New User - Description: Here, you’ll be able to add a new user and set permissions. - Action: Click on 'Invite new user' at the top right corner of the 'Users and permissions' page. - Web Tip: The ‘Invite new user’ button is typically a prominent feature on this page. Step 4: Enter User Details - Description: You will need to provide the email address of the user you want to add. - Action: Type in the email address of the person you wish to add as a developer user. - Web Tip: A form for entering the user's email address will be present. Step 5: Set Permissions - Description: Assign appropriate permissions based on the role of the new user. - Action: Choose the permissions you want to grant. This could range from view-only access to full editing rights. - Web Tip: Look for a list of permissions with checkboxes or toggle switches. Step 6: Send Invitation - Description: After setting permissions, you will send an invitation to the user. - Action: Click on ‘Send Invitation’ to send an email invite to the new user. - Web Tip: The ‘Send Invitation’ button is typically located at the bottom of the form. Step 7: User Accepts Invitation - Description: The invited user will receive an email with the invitation. - Action: The user must accept the invitation by clicking the link in the email. - Web Tip: The recipient can find the acceptance link in the invitation email. Step 8: Confirmation - Description: Once the user accepts the invitation, they will have access based on the permissions you set. - Action: Verify that the user appears in your 'Users and permissions' list with the correct permissions. - Web Tip: Check your 'Users and permissions' list for the new user’s name and role.

Last updated on Jun 04, 2024