Home Minds Networks Send an email digest to your community [Minds Networks]

Send an email digest to your community [Minds Networks]

Last updated on Jun 26, 2024

Sometimes your community members will forget to check in on their newsfeed, but there are new posts for them to see and engage with. This is where email digests come in handy.

Enable email digests to send a regular email summary of posts to all members of your community. Email reaches your community where they are, even if they forget to log in and check their newsfeeds.

What content is included in the email digest?

The digest includes new posts from your members' newsfeeds. New posts are any posts that were created since the last digest was sent, limited to posts from channels and groups they subscribe to. If you feature specific channels and groups, all community members will subscribe to them by default, making posts from those sources appear in their newsfeeds as well as in email digests.

How frequently is the email digest sent?

Email digests are currently sent twice per week, on Mondays and Fridays. This exact schedule may change as we make adjustments to optimize for usefulness and engagement.

Can community members disable the email digest?

Yes, community members can individually unsubscribe from the email digests by navigating to the Email notification section of their user settings and toggling off the Things I’ve Missed Since My Last Login option.