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Minds Developement

Last updated on Apr 18, 2024

Is Minds fully Open Source?

Yes, both Minds and the Minds mobile app are both licensed under an AGPLV3 license. The project can be foundĀ here. The goal of Minds is to provide users with a platform for free speech subject to fair, transparent and ethical moderation practices.

To learn more about Minds developement you can visit following links:

Can I earn Rewards for contributing Code?

Yes, developers who find bugs or contribute code or documentation may qualify for Minds token rewards. All developer contributions will first be reviewed by the Minds staff to determine if they qualify for a reward.

Send an email to [email protected] with your contributions for us to review.

Can I use the Official Minds Logo?

Yes, as long as it is not in an attempt to impersonate or suggest any direct affiliation to Minds.

Here are the files for our logo:

